Rediscover your creativity and reconnect with yourself.
Our individual visioning sessions are designed to help you express yourself more fully, navigate life's challenges with confidence, and play with creative expression as a pathway to broader social transformation. Experience personal growth and a renewed sense of purpose as you explore creative solutions and embodied practices.
The Process
Discover yourself, your body, & the world around you through curiosity, openness, & focus
Tune into your internal energy & allow your desires to expand so you can connect more deeply with yourself
Capacity to hold & integrate a wider range of experiences to navigate life with wisdom & respond to yourself & others with compassion
Book Your Offering
At (in)Visible Legacy, we believe in making our services accessible to all while acknowledging the role of class and privilege. We invite you to engage in the mindful practice of choosing a rate that feels both authentic to your financial capacity and reflects a commitment to collective liberation. Your contribution, no matter the amount, supports our mission of fostering equity and allows us to create pathways for individuals and communities to thrive. We trust in your self-determination and thank you for joining us in this transformative journey. We welcome you to reach out to us at with any questions or concerns you may have.
**(in)VL's sliding scale is adapted from The Embodiment Institute.**
Want to ensure our offerings are right for you before you book? Click here to connect with someone from our team!